Readers of this blog might recall that I wrote posts on the following two items.
- GSSI alumna Yllka Velaj, now at CWI, was a co-recipient of the 2018 Women@McKinsey Dissertation Award.
- Emilio Cruciani (GSSI, Italy) and Roberto Verdecchia (GSSI, Italy, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL) were two of the authors of a research paper presented at ICSE 2018, the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering. ICSE is the flagship conference in Software Engineering and is very selective its technical-research-paper track is the most prestigious one within the conference. Emilio and Roberto were first-year CS students at the time.
- GSSI alumni Alkida Balliu and Dennis Olivetti, now postdocs at Aalto University in Jukka Suomela's group, co-authored a paper presented at STOC 2018. The work on the paper was done while they were at the GSSI.
- Third-year GSSI student Ahmed Abdelsalam was part of the netgroup team at CNIT/uniroma2 that won the Interworking stream at the SoftFIRE Challenge, which addresses issues related to interoperability of the current platform with other infrastructures. In particular, Ahmed's work on IPv6 Segment Routing (SRv6) and his recently developed SRv6 aware version of the network intrusion and detection system Snort featured in the award-winning proposal. If you use Linux, you are probably already running Ahmed's software!
- In May 2018, Roberto Verdecchia received three awards for his research:
- a bronze medal at the Research Student Competition of the Internationa
l Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, - Runner-Up Best Paper Award at ICT4S for the study “Empirical Evaluation of the Energy Impact of Refactoring Code Smells” and, last but by no means least,
- the best early career researcher award at the International Conference on Software Architectures (ICSA).
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