Tuesday, August 24, 2010

One year of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS)

Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) was launched by Rob van Glabbeek in 2009, as an initiative to have proceedings of all worthy workshops in Theoretical Computer Science freely available on-line. The papers in the proceedings are simply entries in the CoRR repository. DOI numbers are assigned to EPTCS publications, and they are indexed in CrossRef and in the Directory of Open Access Journals.  There is no charge for authors or workshops/conferences.

The idea caught on like wildfire, and since EPTCS was launched over 30 proceedings were published, and 22 more have been accepted for publication.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that the procedure for submitting a proposal is very simple, and our response time to a proposal is very fast, usually less than 10 days. Additionally, thanks to efficient workflow, proceedings usually appear within 10 days after all the constituents have been delivered.

We find that it is very important to properly record workshop proceedings in one, easily searchable place. Also, we want to contribute in this way to the growing acceptance of the view that all scientific publications should be freely available on-line.

We hope that researchers working in Theoretical Computer Science will follow the example of the many others in accord with the originators of this idea.  Please see http://published.eptcs.org/ for the list of published workshops.

The editors,

Rob van Glabbeek (NICTA, Sydney, Australia)
   Editor in Chief
Luca Aceto (Reykjavik University)
Rajeev Alur (University of Pennsylvania)
Krzysztof R. Apt (CWI and University of Amsterdam)
Lars Arge (Aarhus University)
Ran Canetti (Tel Aviv University)
Luca Cardelli (Microsoft Research)
Rocco De Nicola (Universita di Firenze)
Jose Luiz Fiadeiro (University of Leicester)
Wan Fokkink  (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Lane A. Hemaspaandra (University of Rochester)
Matthew Hennessy (Trinity College Dublin)
Bartek Klin (Warsaw University, University of Cambridge)
Evangelos Kranakis (Carleton University)
Shay Kutten (Technion)
Nancy Lynch (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Aart Middeldorp (University of Innsbruck)
Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania)
Gordon Plotkin (University of Edinburgh)
Vladimiro Sassone (University of Southampton)
Robert H. Sloan (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen University)
Irek Ulidowski (University of Leicester)
Dorothea Wagner (Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH))
Martin Wirsing (LMU Munich)
Moti Yung (Google Inc. and Columbia University)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rolf Nevanlinna Prize to Daniel Spielman

Daniel Spielman  has been chosen for the 2010 Rolf Nevanlinna Prize for smoothed analysis of Linear Programming, algorithms for graph-based codes and applications of graph theory to Numerical Computing. The full details are here.

Congrats to Daniel for landing another prize after the Goedel prize 2008, which he received in Reykjavik during ICALP 2008.

Details about the other prize winners are here.