I am very pleased to inform you that Emilio Cruciani and Roberto Verdecchia, two third-year PhD students in CS at the GSSI, and their coauthors Breno Miranda and Antonia Bertolino (member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD programme in CS at the GSSI) will receive an ICSE 2019 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for their paper "Scalable Approaches for Test Suite Reduction".
Distinguished Papers represent the very best contributions to the ICSE Technical Track, and are awarded to up to 10% of the papers. (ICSE is the premiere annual conference in the field of software engineering and is very competitive.) This is a remarkable achievement that reflects well on the authors, on CS@GSSI and on the institute as a whole.
Congratulations to Antonella, Breno, Emilio and Roberto, not to mention the GSSI as a whole!
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