Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Two awards at HICSS’19 for CS@GSSI student Roberto Verdecchia

Roberto Verdecchia, a third-year Ph.D. student of the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) has received two distinct prizes at the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’19; http://hicss.hawaii.edu/) for his research paper “DecidArch: Playing Cards as Software Architects”, which is co-authored with Patricia Lago, Jia F. Cai (both at VU Amsterdam), Remco C. de Boer (ArchiXL) and Philippe Kruchten (University of British Columbia). Out of over 780 papers presented at HICCS within 11 different research tracks, the study was presented with the “Best Paper award” of the Software Education and Training track. Additionally, the article was also selected as one of the five “ISSIP-IBM-CBA Student Paper Award for Best Industry Studies Paper” of HICCS’19.

The study presents a novel educational game conceived to train students and practitioners in concepts related to software architecture and decision making. The game is currently used as an interactive session of the course “Software Architecture”, taught at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

The two prizes were adjudicated independently by two distinct committees.
Congratulations to Roberto!

Let me close by adding that I expect that Roberto will deliver his PhD thesis in the autumn 2019 and will soon be on the job market. If you have a postdoc or tenure-track  position in SE, keep him mind.

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