Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Web site for ICALP 2014

The web site for ICALP 2014 is now live. There you will find the call for papers and further details on the conference tracks. The deadline for submitting a paper is February 14, 2014.


Anonymous said...

Why does ICALP always put "cryptography" in CFP (track "A") without having a single cryptographer in the PC?

Anonymous said...

Not that it's so important nowadays anymore, but the pdf formating for the cfp and pc is very poor. The page gives me a chance to print the cfp and pc via printing the web page, but the format is poor; couldn't they create a nicely formatted pdf file?

Anonymous said...

There go my Valentines Day plans....

Luca Aceto said...

To Anonymous #3: why don't you submit on February 13? That would be a perfect Valentine gift for your sweetheart and you.

In fact, I suspect that a deadline after Valentine's day would mean that people would be thinking about their papers (possibly scribbling on napkins) during supposedly romantic dinners :-)

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 1: Vipul Goyal is a cryptographer.