I just noticed that the results of the
Research Assessment Exercise for 2008 are out. For Computer Science and Informatics, the league table may be found
here. Cambridge tops the chart with Imperial College, Edinburgh and Southampton coming joint second. (In reading the ratings, bear in mind that 4* rating is defined as ‘world leading’ and 3* as ‘internationally excellent’.) You might also want to look at the
detailed interpretation of the RAE results offered by Edinburgh, according to which Edinburgh is by far the strongest department in the UK.
All the aforementioned departments host very strong TCS groups.
ranking for Pure Mathematics sees Cambridge land in fourth place, behind Imperial, Warwick and Oxford. Is this surprising? Honestly, I do not know.

debate on the RAE is raging in the UK, and I guess that it will go on for some time.
1 comment:
I was surprised by the pure math results as I would have expected Oxford and Cambridge to be in the top two spots. They certainly have very distinguished faculty, but maybe they are to some degree living on past glory with some of their biggest names not being as active as they once were.
At any rate, I was very happy to see Aberdeen come in at number 8.
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