Sunday, February 09, 2025

Dagstuhl Publishing – Highlights of 2024

On behalf of Dagstuhl Publishing, Michael Wagner has posted the highlights for 2024. IMHO, the computer-science research community owes the team at Dagstuhl Publishing and Schloss Dagstuhl a lot for its sustained support of research and open-access publication activities. I encourage any readers I might have to read the highlights for 2024 and share them within their networks. This is the least we can do to thank everyone at Dagsthul for their work. 

If you are a PC chair or an SC member of a high-quality conference that publishes its proceedings with a commercial publisher, and you care about open-access publication of research results and artefacts, consider suggesting that your conference apply for publishing its proceedings in LIPIcs

Last, but not least, consider submitting some of your best work to the journal Transaction on Graph Data and Knowledge, if it is in the areas covered by that diamond-open-access journal!

Saturday, February 01, 2025

27th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS 2025 Viinistu, Estonia, 3-6 March 2025

I received the following announcement from my colleague Tarmo Uustalu. Spread the news of this excellent winter school for young researchers!

The 2025 edition of the Estonian Winter School in Computer Science (EWSCS) will be held in Viinistu, Estonia, in the period 3-6 March 2025. Editions of EWSCS are general TCS schools with topics from both Theory A and B. EWSCS is a long-running series; the first school happened in 1996 and this is its 27th edition. The schools are mostly intended for PhD students as well as ambitious MSc and BSc students, but are open for anyone.

This year's programme features the following four courses on combinatorics, modern database theory, concurrency connected to topology, and provable cybersecurity.
  • Anders Claesson, University of Iceland, Reykjavik. Combinatorial species. 
  • Uli Fahrenberg, EPITA Rennes. Discrete and continuous models for concurrent systems: from Petri nets to directed spaces. 
  • Miika Hannula, University of Tartu. Conjunctive query evaluation. 
  • Marino Miculan, University of Udine. Provable security, ProVerif.

Check the school webpage for abstracts and the timetable. 

Participation fee is 490 EUR. Covered in the fee are accommodation for three nights in twin rooms, with full board, and transportation from Tallinn to the school venue and back.

Application deadline: 12 Feb 2025.