
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Program for ICALP/LICS 2015

ICALP/LICS 2015 is approaching fast and the very final version of the program for this event is available here.

A look at the program indicates the very broad coverage of TCS provided by the event. Apart from the presentation of 204 contributed papers (143 for ICALP and 61 for LICS), we will be treated to the following plenary invited talks:

Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi (NII, Japan)
Title: Digraphs Structures: Minors and Algorithms

Daniel Kifer (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Title: Privacy and the Price of Data

Valerie King (University of Victoria, Canada)
Title: Dynamic Graphs: Time, Space, and Communication

Thomas Moscibroda (Microsoft Research and Tsinghua University, China)
Title: Incentive Networks

Anca Muscholl (Université Bordeaux, France)
Title: Automated Synthesis of Distributed Controllers

Peter O'Hearn (Facebook and University College London, UK)
Title: From Categorical Logic to Facebook Engineering

Luke Ong (University of Oxford, UK)
Title: Higher-Order Model Checking: An Overview

ICALP/LICS will also feature the following three tutorials:

Piotr Indyk (MIT, USA)
Title: Fast Algorithms for Structured Sparsity

Andrew Pitts (University of Cambridge, UK)
Title: Names and Symmetry in Computer Science

Geoffrey Smith (Florida International University, USA)
Title: Recent Developments in Quantitative Information Flow

as well as a "masterclass" on Algorithms and Complexity for Japanese Puzzles by
Ryuhei Uehara (JAIST, Japan).

The joint award session  will feature presentations by Xi Chen (Presburger Award recipient), Christos Papdimitriou (EATCS Award recipient) and Igor Walukiewicz (LICS Test-of-Time award recipient). Christos will also reflect on 40 years of theoretical computer science during a special anniversary event devoted to the 40th birthday of the journal Theoretical Computer Science.

Note that ICALP 2015 and LICS 2015 are truly co-located events. The two conferences will take place in the same week and at the same location. There is only one registration fee and conference participants will be able to attend whatever session they fancy at either conference.

I look forward to this festival of TCS and hope to have enough energy to report on some of the events on this blog. (I am still looking for guest bloggers!)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Call for guest posts from ICALP 2015/LICS 2015

If you are going to ICALP 2015/LICS 2015 and you are willing to contribute guests posts on that conference on this blog, drop me a line.

It would be good to have reports on the three tracks of ICALP, on LICS, on the invited talks/tutorials and on the award-related events, as well as on the conference as a whole.

In case you are interested, the guests posts on ICALP 2014 contributed by Clément Canonne and Andrew Winslow are here.