
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

PC chairs for ICALP 2016

I am happy to inform you that the PC chairs for ICALP 2016 will be
Many thanks to these colleagues for their willingness to serve as PC chairs for the conference, which will be held in Rome.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

REMINDER: The deadline for nominations for several EATCS Awards is approaching!

This is to remind you that the deadline for nominations for the following awards is the 31st of December 2014:
I strongly encourage members of the TCS community to nominate eligible colleagues for these accolades. Writing a good letter of nominations takes a little work, but  this is time well spent as it puts some of the many outstanding members of our community and their research areas in the spotlight, and provides role models for the younger members of the TCS community.

The deadline for nominations for the Gödel Prize ( is January 31, 2015.

The award committees for the above-mentioned prizes and honours look forward to receiving your nominations!